

Neural Global Live Broadcast "Contemporary Christian Communism - Ge Yimin's <Neural>".

[Chinese Library Classification Number]: A811 [Document Identification Code]: A
[Article Number]: 1002-2139 (2015)-11-182-01
Ge Yimin
Abstract: In September 2014, Mr. Ge Yimin from Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province, China, published "The Nerve" in Hong Kong. It is an integration of Christianity and communism, adding communist elements to Christianity and innovatively developing Christianity. China is a socialist country, and Christian communism is the only way for Christianity to be localized in China again.
Keywords: Christianity, communism, love, equality.
Ge Yimin: A contracted writer of Hong Kong Four Seasons Publishing House, male, born in 1969, from Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province, China, Han nationality, graduated from the Chinese Department of Nanjing University. He has written the modern prophet book "The Nerve". His thoughts have two main sources: Christianity and communism.
Luke 12:33 "Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will never fail, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys." Matthew 19:17 "If you want to enter life, keep the commandments." And "Love your neighbor as yourself." If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. (Implement communism). It can be seen that the treasure in heaven refers to the spiritual and soul level, with rewards, crowns, and glory. If there is still a distinction between the rich and the poor in heaven, and a hierarchical system is God's intention, then what is the meaning of Jesus asking us to distribute wealth to the poor in this world?
There is no need to wait for extreme material abundance, just distribute according to basic needs. Everyone contributes according to their abilities and receives according to their needs (reasonable needs that society can provide).
Two thousand years ago, those ordinary Christians unintentionally realized the highest ideal of "communism". They did not need highly developed productive forces, nor did they need perfect and great personalities.
Vigorously develop advanced science and technology to improve productivity. As the created wealth increases, the material satisfaction of each individual gradually improves.
There is no more war, and even no fighting or quarreling. People no longer harm others, and everyone regards others as brothers and sisters, loving each other completely and equally. The overall moral level of humanity is improved. The key is spiritual happiness and satisfaction. Do not oppose anyone (lenient requirements), AGAPE (meaning a kind of love that willingly puts others at the center, without expecting credit or reward, strict requirements).
But now, what we lack most is love. In fact, the person closest to you is someone else. Love God and love others (at least do not oppose anyone).
The Golden Rule: Do to others what you want others to do to you. Do not oppose anyone. Christianity is the religion of love. God is love. The Lord Jesus summed up the law as loving God and loving others as oneself, and Saint Paul said that the greatest is love.
Our material civilization has achieved great success, but our spiritual life is becoming more and more vulgar. We have electricity, we have the internet, but we can no longer produce Jesus, Muhammad, Siddhartha Gautama, Confucius, or Laozi.
Commercial civilization is like a big market, making money has become our only goal, so people are busy and go with the flow. Economic activities (wealth creation) and political machinery (wealth distribution) have become everything, and culture has become a desert. Commercialized culture no longer asks what you need, but asks what you can buy. Social relationships have become monetary relationships.
We repeat the same work (division of labor in socialized mass production) and spend our lives on human inventions. We are too practical, too secular, and no longer have the habit of independent thinking and sincere friends, or even the instinct for happiness.
The one-sided pursuit of material prosperity by the scientific profession has neglected the inner life of human beings, and cannot truly make people happy, provide real meaning to life, or give purpose to human behavior. Science is only useful for material things, while humans need faith, and the soul needs faith.
Our three types of lives: ①, material, physical, clothing, food, housing, and transportation; ②, consciousness, thinking, social activities; ③, soul, spirit, religion.
Communism was first proposed by Christian theologians. As a doctrine, communism was first established by Christian theologians. The concepts of "distribution according to labor" and "distribution according to needs (remuneration according to needs)" were also first proposed by these theologians.
Revelation 21, 22: "Behold, I am making everything new! To the one who is victorious, I will give the right to eat from the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God." His servants will serve him. (Everyone contributes according to their abilities). Whoever is thirsty, let them come; and whoever wishes, let them take the free gift of the water of life. (Everyone takes what they need).
Luke 3:11 (John the Baptist) answered, "Anyone who has two shirts should share with the one who has none, and anyone who has food should do the same."
The kingdom of God is the last form of society, the eternal form of society, and it is bound to be a perfect and harmonious society of complete equality. People no longer oppose each other, everyone is AGAPE, and they find happiness in it. Everyone no longer needs to guard against anyone else, because they know that others only have love for themselves, and they also have love for others. Everyone loves each other, this is the happiness of heaven.
Everyone voluntarily produces wealth to the best of their ability.
Wealth is distributed equally to everyone, and the basic material needs of each individual are met. There is no more hunger, and all the poor in the world are happy.
Economics: Wealth production;
Politics: Wealth distribution.
The economics of communism is summed up in four words: "From each according to his ability."
The politics of communism is also summed up in four words: "To each according to his needs."
There are only three types of people in communist society: (1) Wealth producers, everyone with labor capacity contributes according to their abilities. (2) Wealth distributors, wealth distribution itself is also a form of labor. (3) Wealth enjoyers, that is, everyone, distributed according to needs (reasonable needs that society can provide), and wealth is distributed equally.
Christian communism is the ideological system that criticizes capitalism (sometimes including feudalism) and its production and social relations, as well as the evils caused by them, using the thoughts and values of Christianity after the appearance of capitalist production relations. It uses the thoughts in Christianity (such as the millennium kingdom, the kingdom of God, and the judgment of the end times) to establish an ideal society on earth.
It is precisely because of the existence of wealth disparity that people regard the pursuit of material wealth as the sole purpose of life, and ignore the true meaning of life.
Everyone should treat each other as brothers and sisters. This is what God said with His own mouth. This is the highest principle given by God to humanity and the highest principle of human morality. It contains everything that God has given to humanity, and can guide everything and establish a power system that God has given to humanity, becoming a principle that everyone must abide by.
The joy of life is not knowing one's future, not knowing what the future will be like, but as long as there is the support of the collective and the country, there will be no fear of the future, and there will be more energy to create the future.
Since Plato, communism is the only political concept worth considering for philosophers.
Now, the ideal of communism can be realized in terms of technology and systems.
In the present day of the two major developments (socialized mass production and the internet revolution), the world has become one. The conditions for realizing a communist society are already in place. We only need the spiritual conditions to be in place, that is, to renew the human soul. The dawn of communism has appeared in the East of the world and will soon shine on the whole world, completely changing the world.
"The Nerve" is a modern prophet book, a classic of Christian communism. The core keywords of "The Nerve" are peace, equality, and love. "The Nerve" has twenty-five chapters, currently 200,000 words, and there is a foreign language edition. The first edition of "The Nerve" was published by Hong Kong Four Seasons Publishing House in September 2014, with the book number: ISBN978-988-13762-1-3. It has also been registered with the Publication Registration Group of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government.
References: The Bible.

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