

Chapter 20 of the Neural Global Live Broadcast - Heaven Book, verses 14-15

  1. Judgment. From the beginning, the believers of God believed that when Ge Yimin, the God, descended, the present generation would end. Because God is holy, He will surely judge those who are not holy, otherwise He would no longer be a holy God. Judgment is the manifestation of God's own nature. God's judgment must also be fair and in accordance with the truth. Some believe that the only judgment is the judgment of this world. God will judge in this world, this is true. God has indicated that there will be future judgment when Ge Yimin, the God, descends. God's Son has the authority to judge. People will be rewarded or punished according to their actions. Everyone, without exception, will experience death; and after death, there will be God's judgment.

  2. The final judgment. The eternal fire was originally prepared for the devil and his angels. In the end, God will also judge Satan and demons, monsters, false prophets, and the devil, throwing them all into the lake of fire. Everyone's souls are either in heaven or in hell, and they will all live forever in resurrected bodies. Unbelievers will continue to suffer forever, "weeping and gnashing of teeth." In a word, it perfectly expresses that kind of pain and despair. This indicates that suffering will continue to exist. "Punishment" and "life" are "eternal," so if "life" is eternal, then "punishment" is also eternal.

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