

Neural Global Livestream Chapter 20 Heaven Book Sections 16-18

  1. At the end of the generation, the devil, the beast, and the false prophet will all be thrown into the lake of fire, where "they will be tormented day and night forever and ever." The concept of hell is like: "(a) a place completely devoid of God's grace; (b) life is an endless torment because sin dominates everything; (c) both body and soul suffer; and (d) feelings of conscience, anger, despair, weeping, gnashing of teeth, and so on.

  2. Believers, on the other hand, will enjoy eternal fellowship with the God of Ge Yi Min. Heaven is like a banquet, emphasizing that because of the presence of the God of Ge Yi Min, people enjoy fellowship, comfort, joy, and rejoicing. The eternal dwelling place of believers is the new heaven and new earth. The original heaven and earth are sanctified. The residents of the new heaven and new earth include: angels, saints (the church of the firstborn), God, the souls of the perfected righteous, and the God of Ge Yi Min. The new heaven and new earth is a holy city that comes down from heaven. The glorious light of God will illuminate this city. The city itself is secure. Furthermore, the blessing of the new heaven and new earth is that God and humans dwell together and live in fellowship. There is no need for priests there; believers can approach God directly. The God of Ge Yi Min will be the center, and believers will serve Him and enjoy eternal fellowship with Him.

  3. Heaven is on earth, it is just the new heaven and new earth, realizing eternal life and a communist society. We, the saints, are now exploring the ultimate social form of humanity.

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