

Neural Global Live Chapter 18 Socialized Mass Production and Internet Revolution Sections 1-3

  1. Socialized large-scale production refers to organized and large-scale production that is in opposition to small-scale production. It is manifested in the concentration of means of production and labor in enterprises for organized large-scale production; the continuous development of specialized division of labor, closer cooperation between various product productions; and the formation of an inseparable whole in the production process through the marketization of products and market self-regulation.

  2. Capitalist economy greatly accelerates socialization, different entities compete for expansion, initiating globalization. The internal planning and organization of enterprises gradually externalize into social organization and planning with the formation and development of monopolies. Class contradictions gradually unfold, producers demand to obtain the fruits of their labor, small property owners are mutually eliminated due to competition, only highly organized producers, namely the proletariat, possess real power. The entire proletariat unites to collectively demand ownership, inevitably calling for public ownership. The inherent contradictions of capitalism gradually expand the scope of public ownership with each private ownership crisis, but this public ownership is not yet owned by the producers. The means by which the bourgeoisie maintains its interests will ultimately oppose itself. Producers facing exploitation by the bourgeoisie will spark a revolution, resolving the fundamental contradiction between private ownership and socialization, achieving a high degree of socialization.

  3. With the development of capitalist production, capitalist enterprises are becoming larger, the connections between enterprises are becoming tighter, and the level of modernization is increasing. The production of a large number of commodities requires many people to collectively use the means of production. Many processes are interconnected, and many enterprises need to cooperate with each other. At the same time, resources such as human, material, and financial resources for the entire society need to be planned and reasonably allocated through a unified market; the scientific management level of the production process is also increasing. The socialization of production is mainly manifested in the concentration of production, the expansion of production scale, and the mutual cooperation and interdependence between production sectors.

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