

Neural Global Live Chapter 18 Socialized Mass Production and Internet Revolution Sections 10-12

  1. With the social organization, the enhancement of management groups under private conditions also goes through a process of specialization from detailed division of labor to the disappearance of division of labor. Professionalism initially emerged as a requirement for in-depth and technical industries, then developed into a social industry, becoming a form of social consciousness. In order to improve production efficiency, all possible ways to promote production are utilized, the degree of social organization increases, and management methods become increasingly important and professional. This gradually gives rise to a specialized class of professional managers, ultimately usurping the position of capitalists. With the continuous popularization of management knowledge, specialized management industries become dispensable, and managers who can combine with production itself are more likely to succeed. Therefore, specialized management division of labor begins to continuously disappear and merge.

  2. The overall society completes the transition from a private free market economy to a public free economy, the latter not being profit-driven. The free market economy is profit-driven, where profit brings other production factors, and expanding production scale until the public economy integrated with society for social needs as the production purpose, not profit, saving the profit link and shortening the process. Various social classes transition from a feudal state to a communist state, with various transitional forms of differences emerging in between. Eventually, they move towards unity. Due to material abundance, various social classes gradually move away from the feudal state of struggling for survival and step into the capitalist era of production for profit and work for life. Both capitalists and the working class become slaves to money. Due to drastic economic changes, there is continuous transition between classes, leading to a society with greater material abundance that no longer requires meaningless non-creative labor, entering the communist era. With changes in economic conditions, people break free from the shackles of money and live for creative work, moving towards a new class.

  3. Starting from small farmers, society goes through three stages of free labor small production, mechanical labor large production, and creative labor large production. From producing for survival, to producing for profit and satisfying a small range of people, and then to producing for profit and satisfying a large range, even global population, the industrial revolution's significant promotion of productivity cannot be ignored. Eventually, non-creative repetitive labor is replaced by machinery, and people only need to engage in creative labor for self-satisfaction and to challenge higher fields.

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