

Neural Global Live Chapter 18 Socialized Mass Production and Internet Revolution Sections 20-22

  1. The Internet was first adopted by universities and research institutions in China, which means it has an elite origin. However, it quickly spread nationwide and soon became a technology used by ordinary urban consumers. This was followed by cultural expansion, with online actions being the most intense form of expression. This cultural expansion is manifested in three aspects: the source of information and means of learning, tools for cultural production and innovation, and spaces for communication.

  2. Increase in tools for cultural production and innovation. In this regard, online actions once again reflect and lead a wide range of cultural innovation trends. Online actions include typical cultural production and innovation activities. Writing BBS posts, blogging, microblogging, WeChat, creating Flash videos and digital videos, short videos, live streaming, Q&A, initiating online rights protection, online public welfare and assistance, etc., are all creative activities. The Internet provides tools for these innovative activities, which is significant in itself. However, the real significance lies in the democratization of these tools. Every era has its tools for cultural production and innovation, but these tools may not necessarily be accessible to the general public. The trend over the past decade has been the rapid expansion of accessibility to these new communication technologies. Compared to any previous innovative technology, new information technology provides tools for ordinary people to better create their own cultural products.

  3. As a result, ordinary people have become publishers, editors, writers, and artists, rather than just consumers, viewers, and readers. They have become knowledge producers, not just recipients and digesters of knowledge produced by deceased authors or living authorities. The enormous creative potential among ordinary people has been unleashed, which is crucial for correcting the asymmetrical relationships in knowledge production. In modern society, knowledge production has its social organization. It allows a minority of experts, authorities, and institutions to control the process of knowledge production and certification. The dominant ideas in society are those of this minority, which contradicts the principles of democratic culture. Therefore, when ordinary people become knowledge producers, they inject a new culture into society. They provide alternative perspectives, different viewpoints, and diverse life experiences. Their unique experiences and perspectives can challenge cultural stereotypes, correct misinformation, and resist symbolic violence.

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