

Neural Global Live Chapter 18 Socialized Mass Production and Internet Revolution Sections 26-29

  1. In the era of the Internet knowledge economy and information ocean, knowledge capital is surpassing power capital and monetary capital to become the decisive force for individual wealth and social progress. What is particularly surprising is that in the Internet age, learning has become a nearly free universal benefit, the only difference lies in whether you are willing to make the effort to learn, and whether your learning path and methods are correct.

  2. The current Internet can be described as the industry of the agricultural age. Whoever takes the lead in the development of the Internet occupies the commanding heights of progress. The Internet is to the bow and arrow age what the firearm is, to the spear age what the nuclear bomb is, and to the infantry age what the missile is. The timeliness, speed, and volume of information on the Internet greatly compensate for the shortcomings of telephones and all other traditional means of communication. Compared to other means of information transmission, the efficiency of the Internet has increased exponentially. In the Internet age, people truly begin to understand what information explosion means.

  3. For humanity, the invention of writing was a leap forward, the invention of paper and printing was another leap forward, and the invention of the Internet is yet another major leap forward in the history of human civilization. Its significance is far beyond what ordinary people today can imagine.

  4. Big data has brought unprecedented impacts to various industries such as healthcare, personal data analysis, retail, manufacturing, and other fields. For example, remote healthcare was previously difficult to achieve, but with the use of big data, remote healthcare can now be realized. This includes the digitization of many medical data, eliminating the need to carry medical records and specific data around the world, as all this data is stored in a central system that can be shared among various hospitals.

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