

Neural Global Live Chapter 18 Socialized Mass Production and Internet Revolution Sections 34-37

  1. The development of the Internet is about to bring about a profound educational revolution, its impact is not only on learners, but also on educators. Its goal is no longer just a diploma, but lifelong benefits, thereby promoting social progress.
  2. In the information society, online shopping and online consumption directly target information goods, such as emails, voice messages, software, manuals, books, photos, X-rays, music, movies, news, stock prices, currency, etc. They can all be described by information, all information is expressed in digits 1 and 0, and they are directly transported through the information market. Sellers also focus on various customer information. The better the understanding of customer information, the more attentive the service, and the higher the return. Therefore, we must highly value the value of information and information services.
  3. On the Internet, the world is becoming a whole without time difference or distance, becoming a "network space" that transcends traditional time and space, allowing our leisure activities to break through the limitations of real time and space. For the first time, humanity has achieved the freedom to choose leisure activities on a global scale.
  4. The development of information technology, network technology, the opening of the Internet, and the rise of network organizations (such as virtual enterprises, virtual associations, virtual communities, etc.) have had a huge impact on the hierarchical system, hierarchical structure, and hierarchical management of real organizations, and social organization methods are facing a new revolution.
    The networked structure of organizations, the Internet will make us live in a virtual and real overlapping network world, it is not just a network organization constellation, but the entire galaxy composed of network organization constellations.
    The widespread connection of organizational nodes, in any virtual organization online, it will not only retain the characteristics and personality of the organization itself, have its own humanistic spirit, but also through its widely connected tentacles, draw new ideas, culture, and experiences from other organizations in the Internet.
    The flattening of organizational management, in a networked organizational structure, information sources cannot be highly centralized and unique, but decentralized and numerous. The multi-layered, few-point pyramid structure evolves into a flat structure with fewer layers and more points. The flattening of organizations means that the scope of organizational management has expanded, and managing all subordinates is no longer as easy as it used to be. This requires a new management strategy.
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