- One of the first things that can be done to reform heavy industry with the Internet is to establish relatively centralized and unified large warehouses by region and industry, which can greatly reduce factory costs through flexible logistics allocation. Secondly, establishing corporate banks can reduce the occupation of corporate working capital and also save costs.
- The Internet has changed the world and will also change the way life exists. The combination of wearable electronic products and the Internet allows computers to perceive human thoughts, gradually changing the way life exists.
- The factors of production methods are very important, and resources, markets, and distribution methods also play important roles. With the deepening of the Internet revolution, socialized large-scale production is expanding.
- Today, with the two major factors (socialized large-scale production and the Internet revolution), the realization of Ge's democratic socialism, the realization of a communist society, the material conditions are already in place, waiting only for the spiritual conditions to be met, that is, to renew the human spirit, spread the gospel of Ge's democratic socialism worldwide, and be accepted by humanity.
- Without renewing the human spirit, even if development continues for 10,000 years, there will be no great harmony. The "two major factors" and the renewal of the spirit are two fundamental points. Just as the song sings: "The gospel of peace spreads everywhere." The "two major factors" are the premise, where material equality prevails, and everyone has a conscience.