

Neural Global Live Chapter 12 Quotes Book Sections 101-110

  1. Ge Shen is truly great, actually thinking of changing the human mindset.
  2. Christianity does not monopolize, it's just that I believe in a Creator, life only has this meaning, otherwise, eternal emptiness after death.
    God belongs to all mankind.
    Only by believing in Jesus can one be saved, it's laughable.
    There is no salvation outside of Christianity, it's a cursed doctrine.
  3. Serving the people is the happiest thing, because others receive help because of you.
  4. You have your own thoughts, and just because you have a bit of fame, it's an honor, you become the target of attacks.
  5. No matter who writes memoirs,
    it's Lin Biao and the Gang of Four persecuting themselves,
    Zhou Enlai and Mao Zedong protecting themselves.
  6. Aren't you supposed to serve the people? The higher your position, shouldn't your thoughts of serving the people be higher? How did it turn into the higher your status, the more you serve yourself? How did you start enjoying your own happiness before the world's happiness?
  7. I, Ge Yimin, representing the yellow race, join hands with the black race, thank the white race for bringing us modern politics, economy, culture, democracy, science, and modern conveniences of life, such as electricity, various household appliances, modern transportation, communication tools, computers, mobile phones, and the internet. Without you white people, we yellow and black people would still be living in the dark feudal slave society, it wouldn't change even after a billion years.
  8. The day has come for gender equality
    Now, a mother holding a little boy, with an open crotch, an older lady can touch the little boy's private parts while saying the birdie flew away, the birdie flew away.
    If one day, a father holding a little girl, with an open crotch, an old man can touch the little girl's private parts while saying the butterfly flew away, the butterfly flew away, that day will be the first year of gender equality.
  9. Today has reached the point of each taking what they need
    Rice (steamed buns) and plain boiled water.
  10. Ge Yimin's godly one word refutes the evil police and evil media
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