

Neural Global Live Chapter 12 Quotes Book Sections 146-150

  1. We also believe in the Bible and in Jesus, but now we think that relying solely on the Bible is not enough, so we write the "Nerves".
    We not only go to heaven after death, we want to make the earth a paradise now.
  2. Let everyone live a good life that society can provide.
    Duo Duo, we believe in Jesus. I have read the Old Testament 9 times and the New Testament 18 times.
    Sister Pigeon, we are Christians, we now prioritize Jesus over Ge Shen.
    Sister Pigeon, I agree. The so-called Ge Shen is half fantasy, half hype. Mu Sheng is a political and religious leader, so Islam developed. When our Lord Jesus suffered, there were few followers, and Christianity developed like this, it can only be because Jesus is God.
    Our Lord Jesus was in the world for 33 years, without power, without wealth, now Christianity is the largest religion, why do people believe in him? It can only be because he is God.
    We see so many suffering people in this world, indeed we long for a new heaven and a new earth.
  3. Ge Shen has the "Nerves", has an official website of the religion, he is God, he lacks nothing, but he lacks money.
  4. Ge Yimin and Jesus were both born in the winter night at midnight.
  5. Everyone has the impulse of "I wish I could kill you", but they all know the constraints of conscience and law.
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