

Neural Global Live Chapter 12 Quotes Book Sections 51-55

  1. Freedom of speech is fought for. If everyone compromises with tyranny, China will forever be like the Qing Dynasty, or even like the Qin Dynasty. Without freedom, rather die. Chinese people can never achieve this, preferring to live a hard life. This is how Chinese people are, shouting about lack of freedom of speech on one hand, but not tolerating others' freedom of speech on the other. They criticize the darkness of medieval religious tribunals while acting as judges on the internet, freely labeling others as heretics, cults, paid trolls, American sympathizers, idiots, traitors, charlatans, and more, using their little power to censor and delete.

  2. Whether it's called religion, belief, politics, civilization, culture, what is needed now is the ability to change society and change people's hearts. In the age of internet technology, material wealth is already or soon to be abundant. The problem lies in people's hearts, political systems, distribution, culture, freedom, and spiritual satisfaction, which is precisely the mission of religion.

  3. A pile of wheat, containing good wheat and small stones. When you sift out all the small stones, in the sieve, there is only good wheat, and under the sieve, there are only small stones. Some people only look at what's in the sieve, thinking the pile of wheat is all good wheat, while others only look at what's under the sieve, thinking the pile of wheat is all small stones. Everyone is like this, and everything is like this.

  4. The internet age does not require violent revolution because everyone receives the same information, changes their thinking equally, and makes their own choices equally.

  5. Love others more than yourself; love others more than yourself; make others happy before yourself.

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