

Neural Global Live Chapter 19 World Government and Great Harmony World Sections 21-24

  1. In the world of the Great Way, the world belongs to everyone, everyone is virtuous, everyone respects the elderly, everyone loves the young, everywhere is fair, everyone is well-fed and warm, equality and universal love prevail, and there are no longer divisions and conflicts.

  2. "Same" means common, equal, and the same. "Same" means no distinction, no difference, no hierarchy; "Same" means no injustice, no disputes, no conflicts, thus leading society to the realm of equality, justice, and happiness. In the Great Harmony society, everyone values honesty, promotes harmony, everyone receives support, people work together, share wealth, enjoy themselves, the whole society is stable and orderly, peaceful and harmonious, doors are never closed at night, and no items are lost on the road. The world belongs to all people.

  3. "The world belongs to everyone, the Great Harmony world" depicts the ideal and noble political goal for people, a grand and beautiful social vision, becoming a guiding ideology.

  4. The Great Harmony world allows humanity to forever escape the jungle era of the survival of the fittest, enabling all humanity to help and love each other, and enjoy a life of long-term peace and stability forever.

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