

Neural Global Live Chapter 19 World Government and Great Harmony World Sections 25-28

  1. Among humans, there will never be fighting and killing, survival of the fittest, but instead lead a life that is both ideal and full of eternal vitality, living harmoniously and happily. The long history of humanity over thousands or tens of thousands of years before can only be considered a short prologue. Stepping into a world of great harmony is entering a true grand drama, truly entering the right track. The history of humanity before can only be considered the era of primitive civilization. A world of great harmony is the era of advanced civilization.

  2. Eliminating the survival game rules created by power can achieve equality in terms of personality, equal distribution of resources, and equal access to unknown knowledge resources! Therefore, great harmony!

  3. Equality for all, social fairness and justice, everyone enjoys reasonable human rights and freedom. Everyone enjoys reasonable social welfare.

  4. Abundant material wealth, "from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs." This is the material ideal of communism. Now in supermarkets, stores, markets, there is a wide variety of goods, abundant and diverse, everything you could possibly need. - Has material wealth been achieved?
    And as long as you have money, what can't you buy? People make autonomous choices, freely shop, buy whatever they want, and buy whatever they need. - The monetization of "to each according to his needs" has already been achieved.

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