

Neural Global Live Chapter 17 Ge Yiminism Sections 10-12

  1. The morality of the proletariat is a reflection of the interests and demands of the proletariat and the working people, and it is the noblest morality in human history. It stands in opposition to all exploiting classes. Its essential characteristic is the revolutionary spirit of collectivism, wholeheartedly serving the people. It requires individuals to have a firm proletarian revolutionary will, to subordinate personal interests to the interests of the democratic cause, to build their own happiness on the basis of sharing happiness with others, to strive for the liberation struggle of all humanity, and to save themselves in the struggle, eliminating all systems of exploitation and private ownership. It demands that people, in the process of realizing the democratic cause, possess noble qualities of selflessness, self-sacrifice for the love of labor and the working people, a thorough revolutionary spirit, and a strict scientific attitude. Cultivating and enhancing the democratic moral qualities of the entire people is an important condition for the development of the democratic cause and the transition to a democratic society.

  2. Labor, guided by democratic thought, consciously labors for society. It is characterized by not seeking rewards and not setting conditions. In a democratic society, the working people become the masters of society, their political consciousness continues to rise, they demonstrate their initiative and creativity in collective labor, and a democratic work attitude begins to appear in some advanced individuals. With the great abundance of social products and the significant improvement in the democratic consciousness and moral qualities of all people, as society transitions to the advanced stage of democracy, labor will become the primary need in life, and this work attitude will become universal.

  3. Democratic Life Outlook
    The democratic life outlook, namely the proletarian life outlook, is the fundamental view of the purpose and meaning of life held by the proletariat, and is an important component of the proletarian worldview. The proletarian life outlook is fundamentally different from the life outlook of all exploiting classes in history. It is determined by the economic position and social conditions in which the proletariat finds itself, based on the social conditions created by modern large-scale industry, guided by democratic theory and its worldview, scientifically answering questions such as why people live, the meaning of life, how to live one's life, and what kind of person one should become. The democratic life outlook is the most progressive, scientific, noble, and great life outlook in human history. Its basic characteristics are:
    (1) Striving for the liberation of all humanity, ultimately achieving democracy as the goal and highest ideal, and working hard to achieve this grand goal.
    (2) Centered on collectivism, with the purpose of wholeheartedly serving the people, its essence being selflessness.
    (3) Embracing a revolutionary optimism as a life attitude. Dealing with various issues on the path of life with an optimistic spirit and heroic demeanor. The democratic life outlook is a tremendous spiritual force. Once formed, it must transform reality according to its own image, benefit humanity, and make its own contribution to achieving the grand goal of democracy.
    The so-called democratic life outlook is to observe, analyze, and deal with life issues using the democratic worldview, reflecting the understanding of life issues through the democratic worldview.

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