

Neural Global Live Broadcast International Christian Communist Movement Mentor

  1. Jesus (4 BC - AD 33)
    A Jewish philosopher and social activist of the first century, he is the central figure of Christianity, the world's largest religion.
    Jesus' preaching can be viewed from two aspects: one is theological, primarily concerning his own identity and the coming of the Kingdom of Heaven, which can be seen as how to love God; the other is moral, which can be seen as how to love others.
    "The Kingdom of Heaven is exclusively for those who share their wealth with the poor."
    Jesus' Great Commission instructs: "Make disciples of all nations," "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation," "To the ends of the earth," "And be my witnesses to the ends of the earth."

  2. Thomas More (1478-1535)
    In 1516, Thomas More's book "Utopia" was published in England, pioneering modern utopian socialism and marking the first stage of socialist thought and practice.
    The book "Utopia" depicts a beautiful society he envisioned, where all means of production are owned collectively, goods are distributed according to need, everyone engages in productive labor, and there is ample time for scientific research and recreation. It is an ideal society without private ownership, exploitation, where everyone contributes according to their ability and receives according to their needs. He was a devout Christian, and the inhabitants of Utopia in the book are all pious Christians.

  3. Thomas Müntzer (1489-1525)
    Müntzer initiated the early Christian socialist tradition, harboring a visionary zeal akin to that of the Celestial City, imagining the forthcoming new society as a paradise on earth with extreme fervor.
    Müntzer claimed that Christ entered his soul, believing that the Kingdom of Heaven should be sought not in the afterlife but in real life, and that the mission of believers is to establish the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth in anticipation of Christ's return. Müntzer's program was a form of Christian communism, founding the early Christian socialist tradition, although he employed violent revolution at that time.

  4. Saint-Simon (1760-1825)
    Saint-Simon perceived the germination of nearly all later socialist thoughts.
    "Everyone should work," and it is sinful to gain without labor; a "system of industry" should replace that "upside-down world." Science and industry are linked by a new religious bond—"New Christianity."
    The ideal future society should fully embody the spirit of Christian charity; the relationships between people should reflect the brotherly relationships advocated by Christianity.
    Saint-Simon's last work was "New Christianity," concluding that the future communism is the birth of New Christianity.

  5. William Weitling (1808-1871)
    In 1838, he published "The Present and Future of Humanity," arguing for the rationality of property being "commonly shared" based on the principle of equality at birth, and calling for the proletariat to abolish private ownership through violent revolution, leading to a new social order, which became his manifesto of communist thought.
    In 1843, "The Gospel of the Poor Sinners" was published, advocating that communism is entirely consistent with the spirit of Christianity and asserting the establishment of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.
    He quoted 100 passages from the Bible to demonstrate that the boldest conclusions of free thought are entirely consistent with the spirit of Christian doctrine. He said, "Let us support the poor with the gospel that can be found in almost every household, against their enemies!" proposing the idea of a democratic communist family alliance. He preached communism in a missionary manner, using phrases like "The Kingdom of Heaven is near" to signify the imminent arrival of the communist ideal.

  6. Ge Yimin (1969- )
    In 2014, the first edition of "Nerve" was published by Four Seasons Publishing in Hong Kong, ISBN: 978-988-13762-1-3, and registered with the Hong Kong SAR Government's Leisure and Cultural Services Department's Publications Registration Office. (Age 45)
    In 2015, the journal "Youth Literature" published Ge Yimin's paper "Contemporary Christian Communism—Ge Yimin's " in its April issue, which was included in databases such as CNKI. (Age 46)
    "Nerve" states that in a communist society, there are only three types of people: (1) Wealth producers, all capable individuals contribute according to their ability. (2) Wealth distributors, as distributing wealth is also a form of labor. (3) Wealth consumers, meaning everyone, with distribution according to need (reasonable needs), i.e., wealth provided by society is distributed equally.
    "Nerve" states that it is self-evident that any society with a wealth hierarchy will inevitably have theft, robbery, deception, murder, and revolution, and will never achieve harmony.
    "Nerve" states that today, with the two great revolutions (socialized large-scale production and the internet revolution), achieving Ge Yiminism and realizing a communist society, the material conditions are already in place; it only awaits the spiritual conditions to be met, namely renewing the human spirit, with the gospel of Ge Yimin spreading globally and being accepted by humanity.

In 2033, communism will be realized, and the world will be in great harmony. (Age 64)
(20131126 Dream: 20 years later (2033), political parties will be extinguished. A harmonious communist society, where humanity manages peacefully and cooperatively, will no longer need a dictatorship.)

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