

Neuroglobal live broadcast, Confucian civilization, developed independently for 10,000 years, without the internet.

The hierarchical system of ruler and subject, rule by man, lacks independent, scientific spirit.
Ruler and subject, father and son, are all about obedience, lacking independent spirit.
Now following behind Christian civilization, only getting the leftovers.
Other civilizations are the same.
Buddhist civilization, empty and colorless, even more so. Unable to produce electricity, the internet, modern democracy.
Modern conveniences in politics, economy, technology, culture, entertainment, all stem from Christian civilization.
Which modern product is not from Europe and America?
For example, the computers, phones, and internet we are using now.
Other civilizations, developing for 10,000 years, do not have these things.
The Qing Dynasty and the Qin Dynasty in China were no different until the West knocked on the door.
Bringing Mr. De and Miss Sai.

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