

Neural Global Live Broadcast Jesus Christ is a loser

Humble background: Father is a carpenter, mother is unemployed, from the rural town of Nazareth.
No formal education.
Worked as a carpenter before the age of 30.
From 30 to 33 years old, unemployed and wandering, with criminal tendencies, arrested by the authorities, Peter cut off the other person's ear with a knife, and assaulted a police officer.
Does not work, relies on women for livelihood, living off others.
No possessions, not even a place to lay his head.
Hates the wealthy, overturns the tables of money changers.
Looks old at 33, appears to be 50.
Lifelong bachelor, no children.
Ancestors were prostitutes: Tamar and Rahab.
Dies young: at 33.
Dies in humiliation: executed as a criminal.
Jesus Christ himself was such a loser, all you losers out there, your situation isn't that bad, live well.
This is the life our Lord lived, let's all cherish life and strive for a better one.

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