

Neural Global Live Broadcast Chapter 24 Letter 1-6 Sections

  1. Heresy is relative to tradition; new ideas are all considered heretical. Over time, they become orthodoxy, and this cycle continues.
  2. God is unique, the Creator God, Jesus is the firstborn, the Christ, Geyimin is anointed by God as a deity in a vision.
  3. I truly care for humanity; my personal desires are very low. I pursue the soul; as long as I can live materially, that is enough.
  4. Xie Gongji: This is a great declaration that fills the fatal flaw of Marxism.
  5. Only by believing in Geyimin God will one heed his teachings: distribute wealth to the poor to achieve global equality and communism. Previous communism was merely a redistribution of wealth; those who had more simply exchanged for a different group of people. Those who had more would not share their wealth with the poor but would enjoy it more than others.
  6. Go with the flow: Since arriving at this station, I have felt deeply. Geyimin Christ fully promotes God! From the Old Testament to the New Testament to communism, the explanations are clear and orderly.
    Preachers receive compensation, making it difficult to discern their preaching motives.
    Geyimin Christ is whom I trust; he seeks neither fame nor reward. He promotes God and works for God, which is indeed very hard, not to mention being the Son of God.
    This website is filled with a strong floral fragrance, showering the body, the aroma penetrating the skin and entering the blood, creating a soul-stirring sensation. Here, it is indeed the time of blooming flowers, and the "Lord" laughs among the blooms...
    Thank God!
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