

Neural Global Live Broadcast Chapter 24 Letter 23-30

  1. Looking for Ge Yimin, I heard you are the son of God? God Jehovah has a son in the West, which is Jesus Christ. I hope to find the son of God in the East of the world. Without developing religion, we cannot enlighten the people.
  2. Eastern Orthodox Church of China: Reading Topic - My Views on Protestantism, like last year when several Protestants told me about "Yemei Religion," saying that a "Saint Yemei" has already descended in China, and there is also a "Yemei Scripture," which is a "prophetic book" written by "Saint Yemei" under divine revelation, among which there are even words like "He is my beloved son, you must listen to him, he refers to Yemei" (original text). Such things certainly cannot exist in Catholicism. ...
  3. Yemei has long been brought to the West.
  4. Children of Light: In fact, dear believers, conservatism is our tradition, but sometimes we need to open our heavenly eyes and see the mundane world. The Yemei Scripture is like a towering tree bursting out of the dust, so tall that we cannot help but be convinced. It is like the seeds that God has scattered among humans, ultimately becoming a towering tree that provides us with shade and protection. This shade is 2019.
  5. Moreover, the author of the Yemei Scripture seems to have very high moral requirements for humanity, thus their influence will be smaller, as they are even less comforting to the wicked than some churches within the seven lampstands.
  6. I (Ben Ben): I write these words hoping to awaken all members deceived by Yemei, hoping to alert all innocent people of God. And perhaps, the influence and destructive power of Yemei have already affected the entire nation, maybe his influence is far greater than I imagined. I hope God can redeem our people. In the holy name of Jesus Christ, Amen!
  7. Speaking of Yemei's virtues: honest, generous, open-minded, not petty, a true friend in reality, non-contentious, especially popular with women, also brings joy and relief to many lonely men, remains unperturbed by praise or humiliation...
  8. Li Erqiao: The gentleman is humble, speaks elegantly, yet does not lose humor, deeply appreciated by us; when heaven is about to bestow great responsibilities on this person, the gentleman's profound knowledge and deep literary cultivation will shine brilliantly.
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