

Neural Global Live Broadcast Chapter 24 Letter 7-14

  1. Brother Qi underestimated this guy; he has already "discovered" the Book of Prophets. It is estimated that in a few years, he will catch up with Daniel.
  2. God told the system MK7 -- there are more than 100,000 believers.
    》 This kid definitely has over 10,000 followers.
    》 God told me that over 10,000 is at least one zero less.
  3. The birth of a religion.
    Own classics ---------- Divine Network
    Own object of worship ------ God Ge Yimin
    Own theological theory ------ Divine Network
    Own organization ---------- Divine Religion
  4. I believe I am deliberately cultivated and tested by society.
  5. I will share your website in the Lord; several brothers are very interested.
  6. They want to contribute in hopes of prophetic protection.
    》 Ge Yimin: Do not contribute.
  7. Think about it, when the Lord returns, the Kingdom Age will be a hierarchical society. Is this possible? It must be a communist society, an equal society.
  8. The five steps to unify the world now: Nanjing University, Divine Network, Divine Network, Divine Religion, unify the world.
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