

Chapter 20 of the Global Nerve Live "Book of Heaven" Sections 5-7

  1. God becomes the light source of heaven (without using the light of the sun and moon). After the complete descent, heaven is a place without evil and sadness, where there is no obstruction to the source of goodness. Heaven is where God is, and hell is where God is not. Hell and eternal life are just symbols, symbols of the absolute of good and evil, symbols of judgment and salvation. There exists only God, the Ge Yi Min God, the country, and the judgment of support or opposition to them. God - the living God, the righteousness of the Ge Yi Min God's country is coming; the world of the Ge Yi Min God is about to come.

  2. Now is just a "taste" of the kingdom of heaven (as a believer), already feeling very happy and meaningful, with goals and peace and joy in life, believing that when heaven fully descends, it will bring us changes that are even greater and better than the positive changes we currently experience. The coming of the kingdom of heaven has a basic condition: even though people hope for the arrival of a better society, they must rely on the power of God to eradicate all human evil and make people give up their own interests. If the world changes but does not produce new ideas and new spirits, does not produce a brotherly love and a new set of values where God rules in people's hearts, the result will not be the kingdom of heaven, but merely a human secular kingdom that has changed its superficial form. The kingdom of God means that God rules in our hearts. Through God's rule over our inner souls, the kingdom of God is established on earth.

  3. Having the actual experience of new life is the improvement and change in the quality of life. Some people may also have some subjective experiences, sensing the presence of God and God's intervention. This is the coming of heaven, this coming is not universal, nor is it coming to a specific place, but it descends into the hearts of believers, causing a change in the quality of their lives.

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