

Neural Global Live Chapter 18 Socialized Mass Production and Internet Revolution Sections 13-16

  1. The Federation of Free Individuals creates the stage of labor, that is, the anarchist communist society where division of labor disappears - the evolution stage of socialized large-scale production is completed.
    The so-called anarchism should be understood as a government that is not needed as a tool of class, but rather as a civic autonomous management organization. When reaching the stage of comprehensive large-scale production, the economic management attribute is no longer needed because production is based on social needs and no longer requires (without economic crises and national competition, there is no need for economic control). The government becomes a purely civic management organization because of economic equality, and the government also loses the need to oppress one group for the benefit of another.

  2. When material production reaches the limit of specific needs, that is, the cessation of expanding reproduction in quantity. The basic scale of social production no longer expands.
    In the stage of socialized large-scale production, production is carried out for the purpose of meeting needs rather than for profit, and competition is eliminated. Therefore, there is no need to lower costs and ensure supply through excessive production, or to seize the market. Therefore, there is no productive economic crisis (the contradiction between surplus products caused by excess productive forces and insufficient purchasing power and desire).

  3. Industrial monopoly naturally develops in liberal international relations, and national monopoly enables industrial development to be integrated within a regional scope. International industrial monopoly develops horizontally, that is, international planned economy.
    On one hand, the state integrates various resources to complete the large integration of domestic production, and on the other hand, due to the globalization of the free market competition, multinational companies continuously merge within the same industry globally to achieve international monopoly. Therefore, monopoly continues to develop until global monopoly is achieved in terms of both depth and breadth. Due to the planned nature of production within companies, eventually global production, that is, the global economy, will be fully incorporated into a complete plan.

  4. Planned economy exists as a purely production organization. Planned economy, without government. The economic management function is separated from the government function, and the government itself becomes a social autonomous institution.
    Since there is no longer a need for international competition, and no longer a threat of economic crises, the state no longer needs to artificially control the economy. The state becomes a purely political institution, and production no longer needs to be produced additionally according to government demand, but only needs to be produced to meet the needs of the people.

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