

Neural Global Live Chapter 18 Socialized Mass Production and Internet Revolution Sections 17-19

  1. The French Revolution and the Industrial Revolution are the cultural and technological engines leading to the modern social model. The French Revolution brought about enlightenment of thought, which essentially laid the foundation for future legal, social, cultural, and human rights frameworks.

Today, the Internet has changed our way of life and work structurally. As a technological advancement, does the Internet also play a role in leading a new century or even centuries like the Industrial Revolution did? The Industrial Revolution led to the emergence of the working class and gave rise to communism, hence the present-day China; however, the technological advancement of the Internet has transcended the boundaries of mere production tools. The Internet, as a carrier of information dissemination, has taken on the task of past communication carriers such as newspapers, books, radio, and television, making it both an Industrial Revolution and a mediator of ideological revolution.

  1. The future ideological revolution and social progress of human society will largely come from Internet communication. The Internet is free, equal, and compassionate.

  2. Firstly, this communication revolution has expanded the horizons of ordinary people's learning and communication, leading to a cultural revolution. It is also a social revolution because new social forms have emerged in this process, with ordinary netizens being the main actors driving the emergence of new social forms. Lastly, this communication revolution is also a grassroots democratic practice revolution. Democratic progress is not limited to simple political changes. It ultimately relies on the concept of "open society and the idea of free cooperation of individuals, as only these ideas can unleash the innovative potential of change in work skills and communication." The significance of the Internet revolution lies in bringing new perspectives and practices regarding self, society, and politics.

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