

Neural Global Live Chapter 18 Socialized Mass Production and Internet Revolution Sections 23-25

  1. Generation of civic discourse space. The civic discourse space is where people can express concerns, feelings, and viewpoints. Expanding the civic discourse space is an important goal of new civic actions. One major achievement in this regard is the social construction of cyberspace. Nowhere else can netizens discuss public affairs so actively and directly, bringing so many social issues into public discussion every day.

  2. The new business civilization in the Internet age has six major characteristics: First, the Internet is very transparent; Second, equality, online, regardless of large or small enterprises, they are all on the same starting line; Third, integrity, the risk of fraud on the Internet far exceeds the benefits of fraud, if one behaves poorly on the Internet, others will leave reviews, tell all their friends, spreading your bad reputation instantly across the entire Internet; Fourth, the Internet is the most shareable place; Fifth, responsibility, during the Wenchuan earthquake, the Internet was the first industry to launch disaster relief efforts; Sixth, harmony, harmony means everyone has food to eat, everyone has the right to speak, the Internet fully embodies this characteristic, balancing efficiency and fairness.

  3. The birth of a new business civilization may trigger three major revolutions: First, a revolution in sales models. Many companies used to rely on traditional distribution channels and retail, but today they are moving online. Some Chinese self-created brands used to rely on exports and foreign trade companies to sell overseas, but due to the current foreign trade situation, they must find a way out domestically, establish a brand domestically, open up sales channels, and the Internet helps many companies reform and change their sales models. Second, a revolution in production models. In the past, everything was produced by factories, handed over to distribution channels, and then reached consumers layer by layer. Today, personalized customization is popular on the Internet. All needs are consumer-driven to reach manufacturers, who then customize products according to actual consumer needs, so future production models may be more personalized and efficient. Third, a revolution in consumption patterns. Consumption will become more transparent, with online products increasingly tending towards prices that everyone can accept.

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