

Neural Global Live Chapter 18 Socialized Mass Production and Internet Revolution Sections 43-47

  1. The contradiction between socialized large-scale production and capitalist private ownership is the fundamental contradiction of capitalist society. Today, every step of strengthening socialized large-scale production is a step towards accelerating towards a communist society.
  2. Two major factors will inevitably lead to communism, not individual ownership of the means of production. Division of labor disappears, machines replace manual labor, people no longer specialize in one type of work, today doing this, tomorrow doing that.
  3. Technological progress has prepared the material prerequisites for the comprehensive liberation of humanity, with the spiritual prerequisite being democratic socialism.
  4. The governance of the internet-based market economy is characterized by consultation, construction, and sharing together, emphasizing market credibility, and is a stage in the development of a rule of law-based market economy. Reform, innovation, and integration are advancing in the internet era. In the internet age, collective research and development of large public welfare projects becomes possible, and communism is approaching us.
  5. Artificial intelligence liberates human nature, eliminating the need for meaningless repetitive work. In other words, people have more time to do things beyond just making a living, which can be seen as a huge leap forward for human society. This kind of society is the legendary communist society.
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