- Concentrate the global annual defense spending on the construction of high-speed railways, highways, bridges, tunnels, electricity, communication, energy, and other infrastructure between countries, on the development of global modern agriculture, on artificial intelligence development... When the time comes, all of humanity will eat well, play well, use well, and live leisurely everywhere, with everyone happy and healthy!
- Establish a world government, unify the world, persuade human thoughts and spirits, turn all the people of the world into saints, turn the world into a utopian world, and also establish a world government to unify the world.
- The finances of the world government can be unlimited. However, the staff of the world government must be restrained, the money of the world government is not the money of the staff. In the event of an earthquake in a certain place, the world government can intervene; when the Earth is short of water, the world government can use money to turn seawater into pure water and then scientifically inject nutrients, ensuring that those responsible for evolution are content with the amount of money. Provide water to the people for free. The world government can no longer let poor countries like Africa remain poor, providing them with a large amount of money.
- Once the world government is established, it can better develop human civilization, explore other advanced civilizations in the universe, explore the inner civilizations of the Earth, and establish a unified language! As long as human civilization is unified. Everyone says that this way, humanity will no longer struggle and will not develop, but that's wrong. The universe is so vast, we can explore other civilizations. Let human culture develop better! We can achieve global peace. In short, the establishment of a world government is more beneficial than harmful. Just like the transition from feudalism to democracy!