

Neural Global Live Chapter 19 World Government and Great Harmony World Sections 17-20

  1. Now, the loose United Nations has been upgraded to a world government, achieving macro management of global affairs and the development of common human social undertakings worldwide, promoting social development and human progress faster, without national conflicts, interest conflicts, racial discrimination, global unity, and no terrifying wars, reducing arms races, not needing too many armies, human common development, common progress, more civilized, and peaceful.

  2. By then, the world government can concentrate global financial resources, material resources, productive forces, scientific and technological strength, expert teams in various fields, etc., to handle major global issues for the people of the world. Such power will be an incredibly magical human force, which can solve all past difficult human social problems such as poverty, environment, healthcare, safety, drug crimes, employment, social equity, etc. in the shortest time.

  3. By establishing the organizational structure of a global government, then organizing and stabilizing the world government in various countries. Let the world be forever peaceful, no more poor people, and people live better. It can change things like international law to make people live better. World unity is the inevitable trend of history.

  4. The realization of the World Federation. Throughout world history, global unity is the trend. Indeed, a world government is more efficient. Unity will bring better cultural diversity, competitive diversity, and value diversity. Without war, many resources will be saved.

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