

Neural Global Live Chapter 19 World Government and Great Harmony World Sections 5-8

  1. The world government has an unparalleled bright future, which is the dream shared by all those who love world peace. The various atrocities of contemporary times have long made us fearful.

  2. The trends of cultural and economic globalization are becoming increasingly significant, with the latter causing the former. With economic development and increased productivity, the world market is becoming more integrated, international division of labor is strengthening, and the global economy is increasingly moving towards unity. With economic development, connections between regions are becoming closer, and cultures are blending and permeating each other. As transportation develops, the basis for cultural diversity [i.e., relatively independent environments] has been eliminated, and the trend towards cultural integration is evident. Western capitalist culture is conquering and transforming the original cultures of various countries with its powerful force. The unity of economy and culture will inevitably lead to the emergence of a globally unified nation.

  3. Contemporary regional integration organizations [such as the EU] are manifestations of this trend, as countries can only respond to intense international competition through unity. From this perspective, regional unified nations will eventually emerge, and then gradually unite until global unification.

  4. Currently, peaceful unification appears to be the trend of history. However, the possibility of other methods cannot be ruled out.

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