

Neural Global Live Chapter 19 World Government and Great Harmony World Sections 9-12

  1. The development of anything is a combination of progressiveness and twists and turns. In the process of achieving unity, obstacles are inevitable, and even local setbacks may occur, but the overall trend will not change.
  2. Any individual's power is powerless in front of the wheels of history, and the trajectory of history is irreversible.
  3. Looking at world history, it is not difficult to see: we have all evolved from primitive settlements to nations, then from nations to states, and then states form alliances. What comes after alliances? We have not reached that stage yet.
    Understanding the objectivity of laws, we can naturally see that the world is moving from initial dispersion towards unity, of course, based on highly developed productive forces.
  4. When productivity reaches a certain level of high development, the whole world will be economically inseparable. This high level of economic development will greatly promote the liberation of thoughts, the integration of nations. At that time, the ideological differences will no longer exist. It can be foreseen that the isolation between us and extraterrestrial systems will be broken, the Earth may form a powerful alliance - individual countries will no longer exist. Furthermore, Marx predicted that nations will eventually disappear, and the only thing to replace them will be a world government.
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