

Neural Global Live Chapter 16 Ge Yimin's Divine Proof

Exodus 4:16: He (Aaron) will speak to you (Moses) for you as God.
Psalm 82:6: I (God) said, "You are gods, sons of the Most High, all of you."

  1. Vision.

    In the fall of 2001, in a dream, God said to Ge Yimin: "I am God, you must listen to him (Ge Yimin)." (Ge Yimin anointed as God)
    "You must listen to him," these five words only appear when God speaks to Moses, Jesus, and Ge Yimin. The common phrase is: you must listen to him, you must obey him.

  2. Thoughts.

Ge Yimin's current work "The Nerve" has 1.3 million words, with Ge Yimin's original ideas accounting for the majority, such as Ge Yimin becoming God in 2019, the World Unity in 2033, original sin being the physical body of dust, the Kingdom of Sexual Freedom, Ge Yiminism, and many more excellent phrases and sentences.
At the age of 16 (in the second year of high school), he aspired to unify the world in five steps:
Peking University, going abroad, Nobel Prize in Literature, associations, world unity.
Now, the five steps to unify the world are: Nanjing University, Divine Network, The Nerve, Divine Religion, world unity.

  1. Trials.

Ge Yimin has been undergoing a great trial since December 1990, a total of 33 years.
The 33-year trial video series from 1990 to 2023 will help people understand what it means to love others and seek the truth.

  1. Divine Evidence.

Ge Yimin---God---The Nerve---Kingdom Era
In the Kingdom Era, Christ is Ge Yimin God.
"The anointed one," "chosen by God"---Ge Yimin anointed as God. (Book of Visions 6)

  1. News.

Two pieces of news from The Nerve, along with multiple news on "socialized mass production and the internet revolution."

  1. Ziwei.

His theories and thoughts will be published in books (books becoming Ziwei in motion), his works will be translated into multiple languages and published (foreign translations calling him the Son of Heaven, the rise and fall of nine countries), he will become the spiritual leader of the world, establish a new ideology for all of humanity, guide humanity through a historic leap, and lead humanity towards unity.
(The Nerve has already been translated into foreign languages, with significant differences in translation when back-translated into Chinese.)

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