

Neural Global Live Chapter 17 Ge Yiminism (Part Three) - (Six)

(3) The minimum program of Ge Yi Democracy: Everyone eats better, eliminate beggars; free medical care, at all costs, develop the medical profession, make every effort to alleviate the suffering of patients. I understand the pain of suffering, I bear your illness.

(4) The maximum program of Ge Yi Democracy: Everyone has free housing, every family has a free car, everyone receives good free education, human rights are respected by society, the right to survival is fully guaranteed.

(5) The conditions for realizing Ge Yi Democracy: Socialized large-scale production, Internet technological revolution, neural transmission for 23 years, Ge Yi's 33-year social trial, pseudo-neurosis, experiencing all aspects of human spiritual and material suffering, thus Ge Yi found a way to save the world, and humanity created its own savior.

The only way to achieve Ge Yi Democracy: For the future of the world's people, Ge Yi tirelessly writes, acts, sings, using the nerves of peace to spread, the people of the world universally accept the nerves, change their thinking, and strive for Ge Yi Democracy. With the efforts of people around the world, on November 26, 2033, the world will be able to achieve the highest program of Ge Yi Democracy.

(6) The so-called impossible: Xiao Baihe said who sits in the office? Who does the hard work? It's easily solved: take turns, do this today, do that tomorrow, everyone can handle it with ease, engage in different jobs according to their interests, and voluntarily serve all of humanity, universal human morality improves, everyone consciously volunteers to serve Ge Yi Democracy.

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