

Neural Global Live Chapter Seventeen Ge Yiminism (Part One), (Part Two)

Ge Yi Democracy is the same as theocracy communism.

(I) Ge Yi Democracy Content:

  1. Morality: Freedom, equality, love, unity (mutual assistance).
  2. Politics: Constitutionalism, representative system, universal suffrage, democracy, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly and association.
  3. Economy: Ge Yi Min planned economy, socialized large-scale production, Internet technology revolution, economic globalization, equalization of wealth (voluntary).
  4. Continuous technological revolution, human beings are becoming happier, the development of technology continuously generates needs, and needs further drive the development of technology, needs will not disappear.
  5. Culture: Diversity, cultural diversity, respect and protection of the culture and beliefs of every nation.
  6. Religion: Protect and respect existing religions and emerging religions, pursue God, truth, and the mystery of the future, pursue spiritual eternal life.
  7. Kingdom of sexual freedom.
  8. All under heaven are brothers.

(II) Golden Rule of Ge Yi Democracy: Do not oppose anyone.

As long as there are people starving to death in this world, all living people are selfish. Since it is impossible to love others as oneself, lowering the requirements is inevitable, that is: do not oppose anyone. Everyone does not need to guard against anyone, how much higher the living experience will be.
My burden is light and easy, you can do it.

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