

Neuroglobal Live Chapter Fourteen Ge Yimin Biography (Nine), Cultural Media

  1. As a community administrator, Huang Jingbo, a girl from Shenzhen, my younger sister, spent quite a pleasant time with me. She admires me a bit, as evidenced by her text messages.
  2. Dream Butterfly, a girl from Yunnan, accompanied me online for a long time and later got married.
  3. Han Wufeng, a girl from a high school in Xuzhou, accompanied me online for a while, saying she couldn't bear to see me lonely.
  4. Xiao Baihe from Beijing has been a longtime online friend. She has been a community administrator for Ge Yimin. She opposes my beliefs but is still the best friend. She just fears that others will misunderstand her as Ge Hua, so she left the Baidu Ge Yimin Tieba and gradually drifted away. Later, she told me that leaving the Tieba does not mean she is not paying attention. She has photoshopped many funny pictures of me, written insightful and funny long comments about me. She is my grace, and I often reminisce about the happy days we spent together.
  5. Mingjingzhishui sisters have been good friends for many years. Perhaps because they often maintain a distance, friendship can last long. She is a rational little Buddhist sister, but if the distance is too long, the friendship will fade.
  6. How many online girls have left me because my time has not come yet.
  7. The website has been redone many times due to domain names and space, but fortunately, the gospel has spread after all.
  8. The website is finally on track, the Divine Network (www.geyimin.net www.20331126.xyz), with multiple online spaces.
  9. The total number of clicks on the Divine Network has exceeded 200 million.
  10. The Divine Network has been translated into foreign languages and then back into Chinese, with significant differences from the original vocabulary.
  11. In 2010, Apostle Guangcai converted to Ge Yimin's god, which was a great conversion. Guangcai widely spread the gospel of Ge Yimin's god on Baidu Tieba, created and published a large number of posts, debated with others, and preached that Ge Yimin is the truth of God.
  12. In 2015, @Gaozhishang888day converted to Ge Yimin's god and was enthroned as a high prophet. The high prophet widely spread the gospel of Ge Yimin's god on Baidu Tieba, created and published a large number of posts, debated with others, praised Ge Yimin's god, and preached that Ge Yimin is the truth of God.
  13. In 2015, Supervisor Shenmiao converted to Ge Yimin's god, which was a great conversion. Shenmiao widely spread the gospel of Ge Yimin's god on Baidu Tieba, created and published a large number of prophecies and posts, and preached that Ge Yimin is the truth of God.
  14. In 2018, Apostle Ge Baolu converted to Ge Yimin's god, which was a great conversion. Its significance is no less than that of Apostle Paul converting to Jesus. Just as Paul spread the gospel of Jesus, Apostle Ge Baolu widely spread the gospel of Ge Yimin's god on Baidu Tieba, preaching that Ge Yimin is the truth of God.
  15. Ge Yimin obtained Sina Weibo, Tencent Weibo Orange V author certification, and Baidu Tieba V philosopher certification.
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