

Chapter 11 of the Neural Global Live Gospel, verses 76-80

Chapter 11 of the Neural Global Live Gospel 76-80

  1. Islam is the world's second-largest religion, and rational people should understand and respect it. There is no reason or divine will for it to develop this way. I respect the Prophet Muhammad. For the same reason, I respect Buddha. In fact, I respect all traditional religions that have been passed down to this day for the same reasons.
  2. Any prayer, God will not answer. The purpose of prayer is only to maintain a connection with God, in other words, you still believe in the existence of God.
  3. Killing one's father, wife, and mother is the highest realm of life.
    Killing one's father, wife, and mother, Ge Yimin cannot do it, sorry.
    What Ge Yimin wants to do is to guess the puzzle.
    Is there really a God? Where does God come from? The Bible saying "from everlasting to everlasting" is not convincing. Where is God? Heaven cannot be proven. Being everywhere and nowhere is not convincing. Where does God go? Heaven cannot be proven. What does God want us humans to do? Just believe in him, not even as good as Satan, at least Satan gives me wisdom. The Neural Network below will solve this puzzle.
  4. The most popular subject in China in the next 5 years will definitely be theology. Theology is the supreme discipline for studying God and the neural network. The greatest development of humanity is not material or technological, but the development of the relationship between humans and God.
    How to develop from an ordinary person to a saint - a godly person, is the main focus of future science! Only in this way can religion, philosophy, and science be unified!
  5. I have: Published the book "Neural". Published papers in journals. Two "Neural" news, multiple news on "socialized mass production and internet revolution". Official website. WeChat public account subscribers. Personal Tieba with over ten thousand members. Certified as a prominent thinker on Baidu Tieba, certified as an orange V writer on Sina Weibo and Tencent Weibo, with over ten thousand fans, a Weibo self-media author. Subscribers on Weibo fan service platform. Certified author on Baidu Reading. Certified author on Baidu Wenku. Believers. Serializing the long memoir "The Legend of Ge Shen" in progress.
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