

Chapter 11 of Neural Global Live, Gospel 96-100

Neural Global Live Chapter 11 Gospel 96-100

  1. Geyema (Jesus Marx of Geyimin)
    Geyema = gym = Geyimin.
  2. Believe that the universe, life has meaning, not meaningless (empty).
    Today more than ever, we need a savior, and humanity can cultivate their own savior more than ever.
    Humans are first and foremost material.
  3. God has ten wisdoms, nine of which are given to the God of Geyimin.
  4. Geyimin became a god on 20191001, and since then, human life has been getting better and better, until the great unity of the world on 20331126.
  5. Geyimin is the contemporary Christian communism, the ten major Purple Wei saints, and the nine major net philosophers.
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