

Neural Global Live Broadcast Ge Yimin Timeline Sections 61-64

  1. In 2019, Ge Yimin became a deity.
    (Neuroscience 71, 20190907 Dream: Ge Yimin became a deity and married a new wife. A voice said: God has given everything to people, and people must not fight against each other.)
    (Neuroscience 74, 20191005 Vision: President of the World Alliance. In the dream, after enduring trials for half a lifetime, I finally became the President of the World Alliance today. I am the dream and the soul, I am God's final promise. "A new heaven and a new earth have arrived.") (Age 50)
  2. In 2020, 360 Search and Sogou Search, following Baidu Search (and Baidu Tieba), also began to block the keyword "Ge Yimin." (Age 51)
  3. In 2021, Ge Yimin's six-volume memoir "Ge Shen Yi Wen Lu" was published online. (Age 52)
  4. In 2033, communism will be realized, and the world will be in great harmony.
    (20131126 Dream: In 20 years (2033), a harmonious communist society where humanity manages peacefully and cooperatively.) (Age 64)
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