

Neural Global Live Broadcast Ge Yimin's Genesis

  1. In the beginning, God created the Creator, this was the first day.
  2. God said to the Creator, "You shall create God, for He has another purpose," and thus God came into being, on the second day.
  3. The Creator said to God, "You shall create heaven and earth, create water, create light, create grass, vegetables, and trees. There shall be air, separating the waters above and below, with air as heaven. There shall be dry land and sea. In the heavens, there shall be light bodies to separate day from night, to serve as signs for seasons, days, and years, and they shall shine in the sky and illuminate the earth." This was the third day.
  4. God created the great fish and all living creatures that move in the water, created all kinds of birds, and also created livestock, insects, and wild animals. This was the fourth day.
  5. God said, "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness, and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, the livestock, and all the earth." And so it was done. God saw everything that He had made, and indeed, it was very good. This was the fifth day.
  6. By the sixth day, all things in heaven and earth were created, and God's work of creation was complete.
  7. God said, "The Bible has a single rest day, but we have a double rest," and so on the sixth and seventh days, He rested from all His work of creation.
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