

Neural Global Live Broadcast Timeline of Christian Communism

(B.C. 4--2033)

  1. In 4 B.C., Jesus was born. "The Kingdom of Heaven is exclusively for those who share their wealth with the poor."
  2. In 33 A.D., Jesus was crucified and resurrected.
  3. In 33 A.D., the Holy Spirit descended on Pentecost, and the church was established. Acts 2:44 "All who believed were together and had all things in common; and they sold their possessions and goods and distributed them to all, as any had need."
  4. In 48 A.D., Paul began his missionary journeys.
  5. In the 2nd century, Irenaeus was the first to list the four Gospels in the current canon of the Bible as divinely revealed, proclaiming a Syro-Palestinian vision.
  6. In 313 A.D., Roman Emperor Constantine issued the Edict of Milan, legalizing Christianity in the Roman Empire.
  7. In 320 A.D., missionary Lactantius proclaimed a Syro-Palestinian vision.
  8. In 386 A.D., Augustine accepted Christianity and advocated for practicing a primitive communist model in life, allowing everyone in the community to receive what they deserve.
  9. In 392 A.D., Roman Emperor Theodosius I established Christianity as the state religion.
  10. In 1178, Joachim was elected as the abbot of the Cistercian monastery in the Galilee region. He sought a way to rectify the world amidst rampant human desires, believing that this path was the universal implementation of communism.
  11. In 1209, the Franciscan Order was established with the approval of Pope Innocent III, donating all possessions to the poor.
  12. In 1216, the Dominican Order was formally approved by Pope Honorius III, advocating contemplation and sharing with others.
  13. In 1273, Aquinas claimed to have witnessed miracles, placing communism in the realm of ideals. "If others have too little, one cannot have too much."
  14. The medieval Catholic Church attempted to establish "communes" to avoid war.
  15. In 1516, Thomas More's "Utopia" was published in England, pioneering modern utopian socialism and marking the first stage of socialist thought and practice.
  16. In 1521, Münzer published the "Prague Manifesto," clearly revealing the embryonic form of his theological and social revolutionary ideas. Münzer initiated the early Christian socialist tradition, envisioning the forthcoming new society as a paradise on earth with extreme fervor.
  17. In 1525, the German Anabaptists (socialists of faith) faced brutal persecution. These Anabaptist believers hid in Westphalia, the Netherlands, and East Frisia, seeking supporters. A ship laden with sectarian believers arrived in Amsterdam.
  18. In 1529, Hutter became the leader of the Tyrolean Anabaptists. He selectively inherited Münzer's Christian socialist tradition but transformed it into a non-violent form, spreading it to North America, ultimately preserved today in the forms of the Hutterites and the Mennonites.
  19. In 1534, the Protestant Anabaptists launched an uprising in the Münster region of Germany, occupying the city council and transforming property ownership according to the ideal of communal ownership.
  20. In 1601, Italian Campanella wrote "The City of the Sun," depicting a society that completely abolishes private property, inspiring many later theories and practices of utopian socialism.
  21. In 1619, German Andrea wrote "City of Christ," describing a new system of communal ownership of the means of production on an overseas paradise island.
  22. In 1627, the famous English philosopher Bacon published "New Atlantis." The establishment of Solomon's Temple is God's will, and the biblical concept of love primarily includes love for God and love for one's neighbor.
  23. In the 17th century, during the English Civil War, the Diggers established some communist agricultural communes.
  24. In the 18th century, American Shakers experimented with a form of communism called religious communism.
  25. In 1803, Italian missionary Giuliani's "Refutation of Anti-Socialism" was the first to use the term socialism, in contrast to capitalism's "individualism." It specifically referred to human sociality, advocating that people should serve the society ordained by God.
  26. In 1817, Saint-Simon, in his paper "Industry," began to propose socialist ideas and further developed his thoughts in the journal article "The Organizer" published in 1819.
  27. In 1824, Owen purchased 1214 hectares of land in Indiana, USA, with all his property, beginning an experiment in a communist "labor commune" in New Harmony. Owen historically revealed the causes of proletarian poverty and proposed the close relationship between public ownership and large-scale production from the perspective of productivity. In his later years, he also advocated for communist ideas.
  28. In 1825, Saint-Simon's last work was "New Christianity," concluding that the future of communism is the birth of a new Christianity.
  29. After Saint-Simon's death in 1825, disciples like Enfantin strived to establish a society of communal ownership based on Christian doctrine.
  30. In 1829, Fourier published "New World," designing the phalanx as the basic unit of an ideal society, where everyone is equal and prosperous, with no distinctions of rank, urban-rural, or mental-physical labor.
  31. In 1829, French Philippe Buchez and Lamene founded the new Catholic "socialist" school.
  32. In the mid-1830s, the term communism began to circulate secretly among French workers, appearing in print from 1840. Desamy, Piu, and others asserted that "communism is not utopian," and the term was used during the Paris Commune of 1871.
  33. In 1834, Lamene's book "Words of the Believers" proclaimed "all are equal before God," replacing revolutionary struggle with the teaching that "labor earns the right to vote and can dominate the world."
  34. At the same time, Buchez founded the magazine "Workshop," advocating for state assistance in establishing workers' production cooperatives and opposing class struggle among French workers.
  35. Subsequently, John Le Droit brought this ideology to England, leading to a "Christian socialism" movement during the 1848 revolution.
  36. In 1836, Weitling established the League of the Just in Paris, becoming an international secret revolutionary organization for workers. Their goal was for all people to enjoy freedom and equality, with the slogan "All men are brothers."
  37. In 1838, Weitling published "The Present and Future of Humanity," arguing for the rationality of communal property based on the principle of equality at birth, calling for the proletariat to use violent revolution to eliminate private property and establish a new social order, becoming a manifesto of his communist thought.
  38. In 1843, Weitling published "The Gospel of the Poor Sinners," promoting early Christian communism, asserting that communism is entirely consistent with the Christian spirit, and advocating for the establishment of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.
  39. In 1850, British priests F. Maurice and Ch. Kingsley published "A Short Treatise on Christian Socialism," formally using the term "Christian socialism" for the first time. They conducted experiments in "labor cooperatives," published theoretical magazines, and vigorously promoted the idea that by implementing doctrines like "mutual aid," the working people could escape social disasters. They strongly advocated that socialism must be based on Christianity.
  40. In 1872, the American Protestant organization "Christian Labor Alliance" promoted "Christian socialism."
  41. In 1968, at the "Chimbote Conference," Peruvian theologian and Dominican priest Gutierrez delivered a speech titled "Liberation Theology."
  42. In 1969, Ge Yimin was born. (The Son of God, the Savior, arrives. 1 year old)
  43. In 1971, Gutierrez's famous work "Liberation Theology" was published, marking the birth of a Christian socialist thought in Latin America—liberation theology.
  44. In 1976, after Rafael Caldera was elected as a member of the National Committee of the Christian Social Party in Venezuela, he became the party's highest leader.
  45. In 1985, Ge Yimin aspired to unify the world in five steps: Peking University, going abroad, Nobel Prize in Literature, community, and world unification. (16 years old)
    (Now the five steps to unify the world: Nanjing University, Divine Network, Divine Nerve, Divine Religion, world unification.)
  46. In 2001, while napping on a big bed at home in Zhenjiang, Ge Yimin had a dream in which God said, "I am God; you must listen to him (Ge Yimin)." He immediately woke up, feeling miraculous about "referring to Ge Yimin," with his wife and children at home. (Ge Yimin anointed as God). (32 years old)
  47. In 2014, the first edition of Ge Yimin's "Divine Nerve" was published by Four Seasons Publishing House in Hong Kong, ISBN: 978-988-13762-1-3. It was registered with the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government's Leisure and Cultural Services Department's Publications Registration Section. (45 years old)
  48. In 2015, the journal "Young Literati" published Ge Yimin's paper "Contemporary Christian Communism—Ge Yimin's " in its April issue, which was included in databases like China National Knowledge Infrastructure. (46 years old)
  49. In 2019, Ge Yimin became God. (50 years old)
    (Divine Nerve 1, 20190907 dream: Ge Yimin became God, marrying a new wife. A voice said: God gives everything to people; they must not fight among themselves.)
    (Divine Nerve 1, 20191005 vision: President of the World Alliance. In the dream, after enduring trials for half a lifetime, today I finally became the President of the World Alliance. I am the dream and the soul; I am God's final covenant." A new heaven and a new earth have arrived.)
  50. In 2033, communism will be realized, and the world will be in great harmony. (64 years old)
    (20131126 dream: 20 years later (2033), a harmonious communist society, where humanity manages peace and mutual assistance, no longer needing a dictatorship.)
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