

Neural Global Live Broadcast Neural Party Constitution

  1. The God Party is an ideology, a thought, a theory, a doctrine, namely the peaceful and harmonious Ge Yimin values, rather than an organization.
  2. We are believers in God, worshiping the God Ge Yimin.
  3. We are members of the God Party, a new heaven and a new earth, which is a communist society.
  4. In today's era of two great revolutions (the socialized large-scale production and the internet revolution), with the spread of the neural network, we believe that by 2033, a global communist society can be realized, where everyone contributes according to their abilities and resources are distributed based on reasonable needs provided by society.
  5. Vigorously develop advanced science and technology to improve productivity. As the wealth created increases, everyone's material satisfaction gradually improves.
  6. There is no war, and even no fighting or quarreling; that is, people no longer harm others, and everyone sees others as brothers and sisters, with complete equality and love among all. The overall moral standard of humanity improves.
  7. We do not oppose anyone; this is the joy of the kingdom of heaven.
  8. We believe in the divine words of the end times, such as "I am God; you must listen to him (Ge Yimin)."
  9. The God Party is unorganized and undisciplined, specifically to bear witness to the truth, peacefully exporting the harmonious Ge Yimin values; anyone who acknowledges this charter is a member of the God Party.
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