

Neural Global Live Streaming There are four major religions in the world, divided into theism, Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism.

The followers of these four religions have positioned their leaders, Ge Yimin, Jesus, Muhammad, and Siddhartha Gautama, based on what the leaders themselves have said. So let's take a look at how these four leaders have positioned themselves.

Ge Yimin says: Ge Yimin is two levels higher than God and three levels higher than humans.

Jesus says: I am the only son of God. I am God. I am the truth.

Muhammad says: I am the prophet of Allah. The archangel appeared to me and brought down the Quran.

Siddhartha Gautama says: I am an enlightened person. I have realized the true nature of life.

The analysis below is based on the assumption that all four leaders are telling the truth and speaking honestly.

  1. Different identities of the four leaders
    Ge Yimin created the Creator, the Creator created God, and God created humans. Jesus is the only son of God and is God. Muhammad is the prophet of Allah, and Siddhartha Gautama is a human. Four individuals, four completely different identities: one created God, one is God, one is a prophet, and one is a human.

  2. The different relationship between the four leaders and the truth
    Ge Yimin created the truth. Jesus is the truth, the essence of truth. Muhammad is a messenger, someone who has been taught the truth. Siddhartha Gautama is enlightened by the truth. Four individuals, four completely different relationships with the truth: one created the truth, one is the essence of truth, one is the object or subject of teaching the truth, and one is the subject of realizing the truth.

  3. Reliability from the perspective of object, subject, and subject
    If these four religions are consistent, not contradictory or conflicting, then the world would be at peace. Because when four individuals with different identities speak about their different relationships with the truth, it would be reliable and trustworthy. But the reality is not like that!

These four religions can be said to be completely inconsistent, contradictory, and conflicting. Faced with this situation, which one is reliable?

I just want to objectively look at this issue.

As long as Ge Yimin is telling the truth, then when he says he created the truth, he is the creator of the truth. In other words, what he says is the source of truth, the origin of truth. So his words are the most reliable.

Assuming Jesus did not lie and also told the truth, when Jesus says he is the truth, he is the truth. In other words, what he says is the truth, without any distance or error from the truth.

Muhammad is a messenger, someone who has been taught the truth. In other words, his truth is taught to him by someone who claims to be the archangel. We assume that Muhammad did not lie and also told the truth, but this assumption does not imply that the one claiming to be the archangel did not lie. From this perspective, is what he preaches credible or not? It completely depends on the identity of the one who taught him and whether they were telling the truth.

Siddhartha Gautama is enlightened by the truth. In other words, his truth comes from his personal realization. He is the subject of realization, and the truth is the object in his realization. For a subject to understand and grasp an object, the subject must be in a higher position than the object. For example, humans can understand and master computers because humans are superior to computers. But conversely, computers cannot understand and master humans.

Therefore, the premise for Siddhartha Gautama to realize the truth is that he must be superior to the truth. Only then can he realize the truth. Otherwise, what he realizes cannot be the truth. If he claims to have realized a little bit or a part of the truth, then he is limited, and the truth already existed. Who created the truth and who the truth is, Siddhartha Gautama has not clearly explained to the world.

So the question of the reliability of Buddhism can be attributed to whether Siddhartha Gautama is superior to the truth.

Furthermore, let's talk about the four major religions based on the assumption that all four leaders did not lie.

Previously, I looked at the four major religions based on the assumption that all four leaders did not lie, but someone asked why we couldn't change the assumption. Generally, if you want to prove that my assumption is false, you need to provide a counterexample to refute my assumption. However, I have not seen such a counterexample, and I don't have any evidence to prove that they lied. Based on the current information, I believe that all four leaders did not lie.

However, let's also assume different premises to reflect on the issue.

For Jesus, his moral character and his willingness to die for claiming to be God convinced many people that he was not lying. Jesus' humble selfless love and his wise interactions with the masses, as well as his amazing self-control and calmness when he was betrayed and crucified, all indicate that he was in touch with reality, showing that he could not be a liar.

For Muhammad, he says: "I am the prophet of Allah. The archangel appeared to me and brought down the Quran."

If he lied, you would not be able to explain the origin of the Quran, because Muhammad had no education and could neither read nor write. I believe that there was indeed someone claiming to be the archangel who appeared to him and taught him to read and write. Otherwise, Muhammad would not have had the ability to write the Quran. So it is unlikely that Muhammad was lying.

As for Siddhartha Gautama, he says: "I am an enlightened person. I have realized the true nature of life."

For what he said, it is not about whether he lied or not, but rather how far or close his realization is to the true nature. Whether he lied or not is meaningless for what Siddhartha Gautama said. Moreover, from his motivation to leave home and seek enlightenment, I don't think he had a reason to lie. Based on the records in the Buddhist scriptures about him, he is not the creator of universal truth, let alone being the truth. He was just searching for the truth.

And Ge Yimin: Baidu Tieba certified public figure: Ge Yimin: Internet thinker and activist, contracted writer for Hong Kong Four Seasons Publishing. Male, born in 1969, from Zhenjiang, Jiangsu, China, graduated from the Chinese Department of Nanjing University. He has published the book "Shen Jing," which is considered a revision of the Bible. His thoughts come from two main sources: Christianity and communism. Shen Jing is his personal information, his thoughts on reality and the future, and some of it is divine inspiration.

Being certified as a public figure on Baidu Tieba, a thinker, indicates that he is unlikely to be a liar.

Note: The translation provided above is a direct translation of the text. It is important to note that the content and views expressed in the original text do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the translator.

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