

Neural Global Live Broadcast: Ironclad Evidence Awaits Verdict - Ziwei Saint is Ge Yimin.

  1. We do not want to see this selfless, innovative, and profound person who is currently experiencing failure, poverty, and persecution everywhere. (Sacred Words: Ge Yimin is a god, you should listen to him. Believe in Ge Yimin and you will gain eternal life.) (Sacred Vision Book 6: In the autumn of 2001, Ge Yimin had a divine dream in which God said, "I am God, you should listen to him (Ge Yimin)." (Ge Yimin is an anointed god).
  2. Ge Yimin's work, the Sacred Scriptures, is the spiritual symbol of the new world civilization (global civilization) after 2012. He is the advocate and pioneer of the cause of human eternal life, and a thinker and practitioner who can bridge and communicate the gaps of future eras. The purpose of the religion of God is to create a new ideological and theoretical system for humanity and solve the ultimate problem of world religions: eternal life. Ge Yimin unifies the three major religions of the world, enhances human intellectual understanding, rebuilds the world's value traditions, guides humanity to shift from endless pursuit of materialism to the pursuit of eternal life of the soul, and welcomes the birth of a new world civilization to help humanity evolve proactively.
  3. Ge Yimin is a great figure who shocks the soul, saves all beings, and liberates all of humanity. He will be a figure of epoch-making significance in human society. A sage does not need to develop a faction of followers. If a sage forms a faction, he is no longer a sage. The reason why a sage is a sage lies in the fact that he is "harmonious yet different" from his followers. The wisdom, abilities, and charm of the sage himself, as well as the great cause initiated by the sage, are enough to attract wise and ambitious people from all over the world to join him in a grand endeavor.
  4. Ge Yimin is currently suffering, more so in terms of spiritual suffering. He has almost experienced all the spiritual pain that humanity has to offer. It seems that only through this can he find a way to grant spiritual freedom to humanity. (Gospel of the Sacred Scriptures: Everyone is busy with their stomachs, but Ge Yimin is busy with his soul. What's the use of just making money? What's the use of earning a billion? Eating, drinking, prostitution, gambling, drugs? Is it really useful for you? Everything external, that is, material things, is truly unimportant and will be abandoned once it passes, it is all emptiness. Only the peace and satisfaction of the soul are real. Our hearts, if not at peace in the embrace of God, will never find peace.)
  5. The thoughts of a sage are very advanced, and many ordinary people may not understand him. He is also in pain, but he knows his human mission and struggles hard to spread his culture and ideas. (Christian Communist Manifesto: 66. God's party members disdain hiding their views: In the future communist society, everyone will have normal marriages and children, and extramarital affairs will not be morally prohibited. In the future communist society, any adult man and woman can go to Wushan together if they both agree. This behavior is not morally prohibited, and it will bring complete happiness and harmony to humanity.)
  6. The sage himself may not have a happy life and work. He does not live for himself. He is like being pushed to the top of a pyramid by fate. Although there is thunderous applause all around, the loneliness and solitude of the high place make him helpless. He is always the only one at the highest point. He is like a marshal leading a large army through the desert, always the only one at the forefront. No matter how dangerous the road ahead is, he must be the first to step forward. (Quotes from the Sacred Scriptures: Life can be simple and satisfying, but the satisfaction of the soul requires effort and pursuit.)(Quotes from the Sacred Scriptures: Nietzsche envisioned the Superman, he said that this Superman would despise all humanity, this is a "great contempt, a loving contempt, the one who despises the most is actually the one who loves the most." Ge Yimin feels this way now.)
  7. A true sage will definitely have his own magnificent and broad ideological system. He will have his own works published. After his works are published, he may start to take action and step onto the stage of history. (Ge Yimin's work, the Sacred Scriptures)
  8. In addition to reading poetry and books extensively, a sage is also familiar with the basic doctrines of several major religions and communism. He must have read and studied the major religious scriptures and important communist literature. He does not exclude any side, nor is he obsessed with any side. Instead, he integrates the essence of "Ye, Hui, Ru, Shi, Gong" (Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism, Christianity, and Communism). Only such thoughts have the possibility of being accepted by all of humanity, thus guiding humanity towards a great harmony. He himself becomes the spiritual leader of all of humanity.
  9. He has already established a brilliant theoretical system and a new ideology, making it the belief and ideology of all of humanity, guiding humanity to overcome the sins and deaths inherited from the ancestors, and restoring an intimate relationship with God. With God's help, Amen!)
  10. His theories and ideas will be published in his works (the book will be called "Ziwei Movement"), and his works will be translated and published in multiple languages (the translation will be called "Nine Springs after the End of Despair"). He will become the spiritual leader of the whole world, establishing a new ideology for all of humanity and guiding humanity to make a historic leap, leading humanity towards a great harmony. (The Sacred Scriptures have already been translated into foreign languages, and there are significant differences between the translated version and the original vocabulary.)
  11. He will end the conflicts between different religions, the divisions within religions, and the conflicts between different beliefs. His thoughts and theories integrate the essence of different beliefs (theism and atheism), inherit the rational core of different beliefs (theism and atheism), and discard the unreasonable, inaccurate, and incorrect parts of each belief (theism and atheism). As a result, he will win universal respect and wide recognition, becoming the spiritual leader followed by the whole world and all of humanity. His thoughts will become a universal belief worldwide, bringing strength to all of humanity and pointing the way to the future of humanity.
  12. He will guide humanity to abandon existing irrational political and economic systems and create new political and economic systems. The historical products that have dominated human history for thousands of years, causing the polarization of wealth, class conflicts, and the depletion of Earth's resources, such as "capital," "commodities," and "currency," will completely exit the stage of human history. They will be replaced by new economic models, and the history of human exploitation and oppression will come to an end.
  13. With the complete end of the debate between theism and atheism, all divine images between heaven and earth will completely lose their mystery and be exposed to humanity. People's thoughts, concepts, and self-identity will undergo tremendous changes. Humanity will completely abandon the egocentric worldview and establish a new cosmic worldview. (Christian Communist Manifesto: Program: In 2033, establish a communist society worldwide based on the Ge Yimin value system. Gospel of the Sacred Scriptures: The Golden Rule of the Sacred Scriptures is "[Do not oppose anyone].")
  14. With his own thoughts and new theoretical system, he will establish a new cosmic worldview and a common belief for humanity. Based on a common belief, a common spiritual leader, and a common cosmic worldview, humanity will consciously and voluntarily move towards unity, and the world will gradually move towards unity. As a result, all of humanity will consciously and voluntarily abandon war and plunder. The military will become something that humanity no longer wants to retain and will be quickly abolished. The current system of nation-states will be completely changed. (Gospel of the Sacred Scriptures: Fighting? Even fighting is not allowed. [Do not oppose anyone], because others are the ones most similar and closest to you in this world. Why should one person fight another? You know, it will hurt, and pain is the feeling you fear. Why should one person kill another? You know, his life, like yours, only happens once, equally precious. He, like you, has parents, a wife, and children who love him. I can't imagine a scene where one person shoots and kills another. Why? OH, they are your kind!!! OH MY GOD!!! Gospel of the Sacred Scriptures: The world will eventually be unified, that is, a global communist society, but the means are to love others as oneself, not violent revolution.)
  15. He will rebuild the value tradition, accurately integrating the essence of different beliefs, and simultaneously focusing on people's interests and souls. As a result, he will win universal respect and wide recognition, convince the world, save the world, and become a spiritual leader followed by the whole world and all of humanity, pointing the way to the harmonious development of humanity. The purpose of the sage's descent is to rebuild the value tradition and guide all of humanity to shift their focus from endless pursuit of materialism to the care of their own souls.
  16. He is the one whom society has long cultivated and tested. Humanity has created its own savior. (Quotes from the Sacred Scriptures: A 33-year trial video series that will make people understand what it means to love others and seek the truth.) (Gospel of the Sacred Scriptures: I am God's final covenant, the son of the world's people.) (Christian Communist Manifesto: Ge Yimin was previously in a hierarchical society (a violent society), and after Ge Yimin, there will be a communist society (a harmonious society).) (Kingdom of the Sacred Scriptures: On November 26, 2033, Ge Yimin will become king, renewing heaven and earth, primarily renewing people's souls (with the spread of the Sacred Scriptures, people's souls have already been renewed and are now available to God), allowing us to transition from being earthly to being spiritual, establishing God's kingdom, and making the Earth a paradise, a communist society.)
  17. A true sage will have his existence announced by society. A true sage will definitely know his historical mission - to save people from disasters. Therefore, he will not hide in the public and remain unknown forever. After his ideological system is established, when human society reaches a turning point of "the end of despair and the beginning of prosperity," he will be announced by society to confirm the authenticity of various prophecies about the sage and to stabilize people's hearts, avoiding social unrest and harm to the people. The purpose of the sage's appearance is to "save people from disasters," first and foremost, to save people's souls and point out the correct path for the healthy survival and development of human society, without any other ulterior motives. Because he has been cultivated and tested by society for a long time, his existence needs to be announced by society and evidence needs to be made public, otherwise, no one will believe it.
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