

Neural Global Live Broadcast - A basic estimate that no one believes in God one hundred percent

Don't rush to stick labels on lotus roots, ask yourself honestly, have you ever doubted the existence of God? Even a little bit?
But the lotus root is not afraid, it is like the little boy in "The Emperor's New Clothes".
There are several situations in which a person believes in God:

  1. Family believes in God.
  2. Belongs to a community that believes in God.
  3. Attends a church school.
  4. Thinks about the first cause, that is, the existence of God.
  5. Reads the Bible and believes it is the word of God.
  6. Has visions or dreams, feels moved.
  7. Seeks solace.
    And so on.
    No one has seen God in reality, so faith is a probable event.
    As for me, based on personal reflection, the visions of Ge Yi Min (thus self-proclaimed as a prophet and saint), and being moved, I am 99% sure that there is a God. With such a high probability, I consider myself a believer in God, and live according to the standards of faith.
    If God does not exist, everything is meaningless.
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